Sunday, December 18, 2005

Firefly : Ep 1 - Serenity

Anyone even remotely interested in sci-fi fare should go and watch Firefly. This series has the potential for a cult (if somewhat cliche'd) following!

The first thing that will suck you in is the theme song which is a sweet country style ballad. The imagery and CG effects is somewhat reminiscent of recent sci-fi revivals like Battlestar Galactica, with slick high-def closeups and fast camera movements.

The story is par course for a sci-fi flick. There is the 'evil' alliance (huh?) and the rag-tag crew of a renegade ship (sounds familiar?).

Anyway, its a good watch. The characters are a lively (somewhat motley bunch), with lots of potential for development. I'd love to see how each character is expanded upon throughout the season.

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